Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week of Sept. 30- Oct. 4 2013

The end of the First Six Weeks is here!

Students make sure to take home your interactive notebooks and study everything in them along with your exam review! Remember this exam will be 25% of your final Six Weeks grade! I believe every one of you, can achieve an A on both exams!

Monday- Review for SAT Math Six Weeks Exam
Tuesday- SAT Math Six Weeks Exam
Wednesday- Review for Honors Math Six Weeks Exam
Thursday-Honors Math Six Weeks Exam
Friday- Group Activity

Week of September 23-27, 2013

Students turned in their Tissue Box Project. The project consisted of choosing a number from 10-100 and presenting certain facts of the number on each lateral face of the box. Here are some of the most creative Tissue Box Projects!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week of Sept 16-20, 2013

Students will complete The Million Dollar Project by Friday September 20, 2014. It must be completed individually. In this project, student will pretend they have inherited $1,000,000 and must now spend it according to the guidelines.

1. Put at least $75,000 for college education.
2. Purchase a home that is no more than $300,000.
3. Take one family vacation.
4. Purchase one vehicle.
5. Make a generous donation to a charitable organization.

This project is designed to help you plan for your future, enhance your math skills, and have fun while researching the prices of those items we often want but not always need. Try to think of your future while "spending" your money, and make the right decisions! Happy Shopping!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Number Line

Check out these students from the Princeton Group! They did an exceptional job with their number line project!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

SAT Math Syllabus

Welcome to SAT Math! Just like you I am overjoyed about this school year. You may be wondering what is SAT, well SAT stands for Scholastic Assessment Test, which is an exam you are required to take before applying to college. SAT Math will be a head start, meaning by the time you start 7th grade and Pre-Algebra you will already be one step ahead than the average 7th grade student.  This is the first time this course is offered to 6th grade students and I hope that you take advantage of this magnificent opportunity to the maximum.



1.      Composition notebook

2.      POSITIVE Attitude


1.      Achieve an A on all SAT math assignments, projects, and quiz/tests.

2.      Attain an Advanced Performance score on the 2014 STAAR.


Procedures for Entering the Classroom

A. There is a specific way I want you to enter the classroom. I expect you to follow these procedures:

1. When you arrive to campus in the morning please report directly to the Ac2E Middle School Café for breakfast.

2. Enter the classroom quietly without running or pushing.

4. Turn in homework or assignments due in the box.

5. Take your assigned seat and have your materials ready.

6. Wait for further instructions from the teacher.

7. Work quietly and by yourself.

If You Are Absent

It is your responsibility to make-up any assignments or tests in a timely manner when you return from an absence.

 Turning in Assignments

The teacher will sometimes collect homework, group-work or individual work. You will turn these in only when the teacher asks for them. Make sure the assignment has your full name, period number and date.


Grades and Extra Credit Assignments

Six Weeks Exam
SAT Math Journal


B. The teacher will provide you with the opportunity to do different extra credit assignments throughout the six weeks. These assignments will replace low grades a student has previously received on class assignments or homework.

Procedure for the End of Class and Class Dismissal

Right before the end of class the teacher will remind you there is two minutes left. Student will follow the procedures on the board for the last two minutes of class.

When We Have a Visitor

A. When we have someone come into our classroom that is not part of our class (teacher, administrator, student, parent) you are expected to follow the same classroom rules and procedures. You are expected to be polite to the visitor. Do not talk to the visitor unless he/she is talking to you directly. Continue working on your assignment as usual.

B. If the visitor needs to speak to me privately, I expect you to remain in your seat without talking until I finish speaking with the visitor.

When You Finish Early

If you finish all of your assigned work early you may a) read independently b) work on an assignment for another class c) work on extra credit. DO NOT TALK OR DISTURB OTHERS.

Restroom Policy

 You may go to the restroom only if:

a) It is an emergency.

b) The class is working on Individual Seatwork. (no passes during Teacher or Guest Lecture).

c) You have not abused this privilege in the past

Class Rules

  1. Respect your classmates and your teacher.
  2. Follow Directions.
  3. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
  4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  5. Come to class prepared and ready to learn.


A. Everything we do in life has consequences. Consequences are the things that happen to you when you choose not to obey a rule. This is what will happen if you choose to violate one of the classroom rules:

1. 1st time: Verbal Warning

2. 2nd time: Call Parents

3. 3rd time: Parent/Teacher/Student Conference

4. 4th time: Parent/Teacher/Principal/Student Conference

Honors Math Syllabus

Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! Just like you I am very excited about this school year and I hold high expectations. This class will enrich your knowledge in Math by various activities throughout this year. When you walk in this classroom you will become a mathematician and a classmate. You will give and receive, respect, attention, and knowledge, but in order to learn in such an ideal environment you will need to follow the next rules and procedures.


1.      1 ½ inch binder

2.      Composition notebook

3.      5 dividers

4.      1 pack of standard post-its

5.      1 pack of washable markers

6.      2 glue sticks for school year

7.      1 pack of loose leaf paper

8.      1 pack of pencils



1.      Achieve an A on ALL math assignments, projects, and quiz/tests.

2.      Attain an Advanced Performance score on the 2014 STAAR.


Procedures for Entering the Classroom

A. There is a specific way I want you to enter the classroom. I expect you to follow these procedures:

1. When you arrive to campus in the morning please report directly to the Ac2E Middle School Café for breakfast.

2. Enter the classroom quietly without running or pushing.

4. Turn in homework or assignments due in the box.

5. Take your assigned seat and have your materials ready.

6. Wait for further instructions from the teacher.

7. Work quietly and by yourself.

If You Are Absent

It is your responsibility to make-up any assignments or tests in a timely manner when you return from an absence.

 Turning in Assignments

The teacher will sometimes collect homework, group-work or individual work. You will turn these in only when the teacher asks for them. Make sure the assignment has your full name, period number and date.


Grades and Extra Credit Assignments

Six Weeks Exam
Math Journal


B. The teacher will provide you with the opportunity to do different extra credit assignments throughout the six weeks. These assignments will replace low grades a student has previously received on class assignments or homework.

Procedure for the End of Class and Class Dismissal

Right before the end of class the teacher will remind you there is two minutes left. Student will follow the procedures on the board for the last two minutes of class.

When We Have a Visitor

A. When we have someone come into our classroom that is not part of our class (teacher, administrator, student, parent) you are expected to follow the same classroom rules and procedures. You are expected to be polite to the visitor. Do not talk to the visitor unless he/she is talking to you directly. Continue working on your assignment as usual.

B. If the visitor needs to speak to me privately, I expect you to remain in your seat without talking until I finish speaking with the visitor.

When You Finish Early

If you finish all of your assigned work early you may a) read independently b) work on an assignment for another class c) work on extra credit. DO NOT TALK OR DISTURB OTHERS.

Restroom Policy

 You may go to the restroom only if:

a) It is an emergency.

b) The class is working on Individual Seatwork. (no passes during Teacher or Guest Lecture).

c) You have not abused this privilege in the past

Class Rules

  1. Respect your classmates and your teacher.
  2. Follow Directions.
  3. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
  4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  5. Come to class prepared and ready to learn.


A. Everything we do in life has consequences. Consequences are the things that happen to you when you choose not to obey a rule. This is what will happen if you choose to violate one of the classroom rules:

1. 1st time: Verbal Warning

2. 2nd time: Call Parents

3. 3rd time: Parent/Teacher/Student Conference

4. 4th time: Parent/Teacher/Principal/Student Conference

Contact Information

Miss Mayela Garcia
Ac2E Middle School
6th Grade Advanced Mathematics/SAT Math

Monday, September 9, 2013


Welcome to 6th gd. Advanced Math and SAT Math! Let's make this a fantastic academic year!